Each dollar is prayed over, fasted over, and discussed at length by our Boards to insure that we invest every dollar towards the lasting Legacy of Inn Ministries and everything God is doing through each one of us.
Through our Legacy opportunities you can give to a better tomorrow.

Legacy: Ruth Schulert Scholarship
This fund began because one person believed in the power of education to change the trajectory of a young girl’s life. Since then, Ruth Schulert has and will continue to change the course of many children’s lives. All donations made to the Ruth Schulert Scholarship Fund will go towards the education and development of people. In 2021, we have 127 students in our school and 30 kids in our sports program.
We have the capacity to educate 275 kids K-5th and 175 in high school. We have been asked by public schools in the area to train staff and teach Bible classes to their students. With the right funding, tomorrow we could impact over 7,000 lives in our community. Legacy Ruth Schulert will pave the way for that and so much more!
Legacy: Expansion
With the development of people comes the need for greater capacity. Legacy Expansion will focus on our ability to stay relevant and growing.
Whether that is through updating our facilities, starting new programs, planting more churches, or expanding to other parts of the country, we want to be ready for whatever God brings our way.
Legacy: Planned Giving
Legacy Planned Giving is how your Legacy continues to make an impact even after you are gone. At the Inn, we call this our “Vision Fund” that will give us the space to invest in new opportunities as they come our way.
We want to be able to quickly make decisions about future investments without endangering our organization’s financial stability.
Through Legacy Planned Giving, you can also designate if you want your gift to be used in one of the other Legacy Lanes.
- Costs you nothing during your lifetime
- Can be changed or revoked as needed
- Allows you to be far more generous than you ever thought possible
- Easy to arrange. A simple paragraph added to your will is all it takes.
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